Sunday, September 18, 2011

Are You Kidding Me?

I spent most of last night working on the last little bit of the website. Worked on it until about 2 AM go to save and publish, thats right- Crashed. Time to go to bed. Get up and get back to it at 9AM this morning. More and more bugs, more crashes, more wasted time. Finally figure out the cause of all this around 5PM. Its now 10:30PM and the new website it up and running. It still has some bugs to worked out but all in all the majority is up and running. You will see more videos to be added at a later time.

Now For The Promo-
In celebration of the new website we are offering a FREE 4 Pack of Clear Cure Goo Stickers and have priced our shirts at a special price of only $10.00. The Promo and Special Price on the shirts will only be good for orders placed between September 19th through September 26th 2011.
Please be sure to like us on Facebook and Tell you friends about the Clear Cure Goo and the Promo.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

And So It Begins....

The new Clear Cure Goo website is up and running- Taking much longer than I though it would, but I think it was worth it. Thank you to all who have helped in the endeavor.

Please come back often to hear about the insane rants of Clear Cure Goo, new products and the daily life behind the CCG.

Hope you enjoy.
-Clear Cure Goo